Is Acupuncture suitable for Children? The short answer is, absolutely!
The long answer is, well, just a bit longer!
The first thing to understand about paediatric acupuncture is that it’s not just about needles, although if approached in the right way, on the whole children tolerate needles very well. Paediatric acupuncturists also have a number of non-needle techniques at their fingertips.
Acupuncture stimulates the free flow of Qi in our bodies. Qi has no direct English translation, but ‘energy’ or ‘life force’ is often used to explain what it is, and we all know that children and young people have energy and life force by the bucket full!
Children’s vibrant Qi makes it more accessible than adult’s, which means non-invasive, no-needle techniques can often be used with children.
Paediatric Tui Na – a gentle medical massage.
Tui na for babies and children uses stroking, tapping and massaging movements. Massage routines are put together to treat specific issues and can often be taught to parents, allowing them to soothe and treat children at home.
a Japanese term meaning ‘children’s needle’, is actually a needle-free technique that uses small smooth tools to stimulate acupuncture points and channels. Children often like to choose their own tool and have a go at the technique themselves!
a small, usually silicone, cup is placed on the body and very light suction is applied. Cupping is a great treatment for any sprains, sports injuries etc, for tension headaches as well as acute problems such as coughs, colds and digestive issues.
Press Seeds
a tiny seed on a small piece of surgical tape can be placed on an acupuncture point to gently stimulate the point. Seeds are often used for chronic conditions such as a chronic cough or bed wetting. They are also great for anxiety, and are particularly good during exam time!
Paediatric acupuncture, in all its forms, has the ability to help so many babies, children and young people suffering from a wide range of conditions.
If you’d like to discuss how it could help your child, please contact me to arrange a free 15-minute telephone appointment.